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RH Regen

News & Press

Apr 12, 2023

Regenerative Viticulture Field Day - Year 2

Join us at our next Regen­er­a­tive Viti­cul­ture Field Day on Wednes­day, April 26th from 11:00 am — 1:00 pm

Fea­tur­ing: Caine Thomp­son, O'Neill Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Lead & Man­ag­ing Direc­tor (Robert Hall), and Philippe Arme­nier, Con­sul­tant (Domaine Marcoux). 


  • Pre­sen­ta­tion of year 2 results
  • Tast­ing of year 1 and 2 wines
  • Vine­yard Walk and discussion

Lim­it­ed Avail­abil­i­ty — Reser­va­tions Required


RH Regen

In an indus­try first, O'Neill will ini­ti­ate a liv­ing case study at Robert Hall Win­ery for the wider wine com­mu­ni­ty to learn about regen­er­a­tive viti­cul­ture through bio­dy­nam­ic farm­ing tech­niques, com­par­ing the results with our sus­tain­ably-farmed vine­yards. The tri­al will be led by world-renowned bio­dy­nam­ic con­sul­tant Philippe Arme­nier and Robert Hall Win­ery Man­ag­ing Direc­tor, Caine Thompson.

The pur­pose of the study is to under­stand regen­er­a­tive farm­ing prac­tices and their effect on the vine­yards’ abil­i­ty to sequester car­bon and over­all qual­i­ty effects on soil, fruit, and wine.

As stew­ards of our land, we have a desire to con­stant­ly improve our soils, fruit, and wine while min­i­miz­ing our envi­ron­men­tal impact and over­all car­bon foot­print. Regen­er­a­tive farm­ing aids with this mission.

The regen­er­a­tive viti­cul­ture com­par­a­tive study is set across 40 acres of Robert Hall estate vine­yards and will com­pare all aspects of grow­ing under regen­er­a­tive viti­cul­ture v. sus­tain­able wine­grow­ing techniques.

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