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Jun 21, 2021

O'Neill Introduces Premium, California-Appellation Game Box Wine

Game night just got a new play­er as O'Neill Vint­ners & Dis­tillers launch­es Game Box Wines (SRP $25) across the US. Game Box is shuf­fling the deck by intro­duc­ing pre­mi­um, vin­tage-dat­ed, Cal­i­for­nia appel­la­tion wines that just hap­pen to come in, you guessed it, a box (and a very intrigu­ing one at that… hint: it fea­tures some mind-bend­ing rid­dles on its sides). The brand includes high-qual­i­ty wines of char­ac­ter and dis­tinc­tion in Chardon­nay, Caber­net Sauvi­gnon, Pinot Gri­gio and entic­ing Red Blend varieties. 

Any­one who remem­bers explor­ing the back of their favorite cere­al box will instant­ly under­stand Game Box Wines,” said Chris­tine Moll, Chief Mar­ket­ing Offi­cer of O’Neill Vint­ners & Dis­tillers. We have craft­ed deli­cious, pre­mi­um wines housed in a one-of-a-kind, cre­ative pack­ag­ing. The 3‑liter box cat­e­go­ry is gain­ing momen­tum as new con­sumers con­tin­ue to dis­cov­er the con­ve­nience and val­ue of this for­mat, so we want­ed to offer them an engag­ing brand that they can have fun with.”

Game Box Wines mys­te­ri­ous­ly makes four bot­tles of wine dis­ap­pear in its con­ve­nient, excep­tion­al­ly trans­portable 3‑liter pack­ag­ing adorned with irrev­er­ent, mind-bend­ing art, puz­zles, rid­dles, and sto­ries (and per­haps even a few hid­den east­er eggs) that instant­ly say: tonight’s going to be a great night. The smart, eye-catch­ing design sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduces pack­ag­ing waste and cost while deliv­er­ing fun and con­ve­nience at an acces­si­ble price point. And, not to men­tion the wine stays fresh­er longer, pro­long­ing the fun 3 – 4 more weeks instead of the typ­i­cal 2 – 3 days of a glass wine bot­tle. (Thank you, mag­ic spout!)

Wine fans will find it hard to resist the allure of Game Box’s pre­cious car­go hail­ing from expert wine­mak­er Steven Decos­ta. Only the finest grapes are sourced from pre­mier loca­tions across Cal­i­for­nia, with spe­cif­ic ter­roirs and cli­mates select­ed to devel­op the com­plex, ripe, fresh fruit char­ac­ter­is­tics of each varietal. 

You can order your own clever and exquis­ite Game Box online at game​boxwine​.com/​wines or find it at your local retail­er start­ing in July 2021.

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