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Jun 1, 2023

Game Box Partners with Wondercade & Neil Patrick Harris on 2022 California Rosé

Game Box Wines, in part­ner­ship with Won­der­cade, the newslet­ter and web­site from leg­endary actor Neil Patrick Har­ris, has launched an entic­ing­ly deli­cious new Cal­i­for­nia Rosé just in time for summer.

For their next trick, Game Box will trans­form and ele­vate a clas­sic par­ty sta­ple by deliv­er­ing a pre­mi­um, vin­tage-dat­ed, Cal­i­for­nia appel­la­tion Rosé in — wait for it… — a box. And with Neil Patrick Har­ris on hand as cre­ative direc­tor, the box itself becomes an inte­gral, intrigu­ing, and irrev­er­ent part of the expe­ri­ence. The rosé’s ornate pack­ag­ing is loaded with mag­i­cal art, puz­zles, rid­dles, sto­ries, and even expert-puz­zle-play­er-lev­el East­er eggs from the mind of NPH and Wondercade’s devi­ous team of puz­zlers that are sure to bring a smile to even the most dis­cern­ing wine drinkers. The new Rosé joins Game Box’s Chardon­nay, Caber­net Sauvi­gnon, Pinot Gri­gio, and entic­ing Red Blend varieties.

Won­der­cade is a world in which I explore all the things that make life more enjoy­able. Wonder(cade)ful things to drink and eat, epic trav­el expe­ri­ences, the best in enter­tain­ment, brain-teas­ing games and, of course, bril­liant mag­ic,” says Har­ris. As a card-car­ry­ing magi­cian (3 of spades, for the record) myself, I couldn’t be more thrilled to per­form my next trick with the team at Game Box Wines: bring­ing all of my inter­ests togeth­er and mak­ing a deli­cious boxed rosé mag­i­cal­ly appear. (And by mag­i­cal­ly, I mean with the help of Game Box’s bril­liant vinters).” 

Any­one who remem­bers explor­ing the back of their favorite cere­al box will instant­ly under­stand Game Box Wines,” says Blaire Fras­er, Mar­ket­ing Direc­tor Game Box Wines. We have craft­ed deli­cious, pre­mi­um Cal­i­for­nia wines housed in one-of-a-kind, cre­ative pack­ag­ing that not only reduces pack­ag­ing waste but also keeps wine fresh for up to four weeks after open­ing instead of the typ­i­cal 2 – 3 days a glass wine bot­tle pro­vides. The 3‑liter box cat­e­go­ry is gain­ing momen­tum as new con­sumers con­tin­ue to dis­cov­er the con­ve­nience and val­ue of this for­mat, so we want­ed to offer them an engag­ing brand that they can have fun with. And if that wasn’t enough, we decid­ed to up our game (pun intend­ed) by col­lab­o­rat­ing with Neil and the Won­der­cade team to bring fans this new, deli­cious creation.” 

For this new Rosé, Game Box tapped expert wine­mak­er Steven DeCos­ta who, under the watch­ful yet whim­si­cal eye (okay, palate) of NPH, helped source only the finest grapes from pre­mier loca­tions across Cal­i­for­nia, with spe­cif­ic ter­roirs and cli­mates select­ed to devel­op the Rosé's com­plex, ripe, fresh fruit char­ac­ter­is­tics. This delight­ful­ly refresh­ing Rosé has sub­tle hints of NPH’s favorite fla­vors and aro­mas like fresh flow­ers, straw­ber­ry, cher­ry, rasp­ber­ry, cit­rus and mel­on for a taste that’s pos­i­tive­ly magical. 

Find Game Box Wines Cal­i­for­nia Rosé at select local retail­ers nation­wide start­ing in May 2023. For more info, vis­it us at game​boxwine​.com

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