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Accomplice Announcement 02

News & Press

Jul 21, 2021

Famous Accomplices Kristin & Jen Create California Wines To Celebrate Every Mom

Every mom needs an accom­plice, par­tic­u­lar­ly dur­ing the past year. Come­di­ans and long time friends, Kristin Hens­ley and Jen Smed­ley cre­at­ed a place where every mom can feel under­stood result­ing in mil­lions of fans for their #IMOM­SO­HARD web-series which has now led to the launch of Accom­plice – a col­lec­tion of super pre­mi­um Cal­i­for­nia wines in part­ner­ship with O’Neill Vint­ners & Dis­tillers. Accom­plice will fea­ture three vari­eties: 2019 Caber­net Sauvi­gnon, 2020 Chardon­nay and 2020 Rosé. 

When we start­ed #IMOM­SO­HARD, we were feel­ing very lost in moth­er­hood. We leaned on each oth­er for much-need­ed laugh­ter and sup­port and cher­ished those rare occa­sions we could get togeth­er and laugh (some­times cry) over a glass of wine,” said Hens­ley and Smed­ley. Wine has been a char­ac­ter in our sto­ry since the begin­ning, so it makes PER­FECT sense that we would cre­ate our own deli­cious, go-to wine for the new­bie or the con­nois­seur. Accom­plice is a sym­bol of friend­ship, love, and the mutu­al under­stand­ing that, no mat­ter what, we have each other’s back. We’ve gained mil­lions of loy­al fol­low­ers since 2016, when we start­ed shar­ing our friend­ship with the world, which just proves we all need an accom­plice to make life a lit­tle more enjoyable.”

Accom­plice Wines are fruit-for­ward, deli­cious, and can be enjoyed dur­ing any occa­sion – from mom’s night out to watch­ing crime docs while the kids are asleep. 

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